
Discover how we can help

With years of experience in the industry, we’ve seen the industry landscape change dramatically with more mergers and acquisitions, an increasingly burdensome regulatory environment, and a greater push towards independence affiliation models. We are your back office solutions partner. We guide you through the complexities of the industry, identify your short-term and long-term goals, and help you get there. 

Take a look below at what Revive can offer you.

Transition & Independence

Many advisors reach a point where they feel constricted at their current firm. The next move may seem daunting. At Revive Consulting+, we help you sift through your options and together, we find what works best for you and your practice. Changing affiliation models is a monumental career decision. Through our approach, we offer our unbiased expertise as we guide you through the lofty process towards independence. 

Our goal is to find the best option for your journey and make that transition as seamless as possible. 
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Growing your practice into a business is key in achieving sustainability, longevity, and reputation. We help you explore inorganic and organic growth options and create enterprise value with scalable and sustainable solutions. We work with wealth management firms to develop a solid infrastructure with workflows, processes, and technology to better support advisors. 

We educate you on the tech landscape, your options, and train you on its tools so that you can provide a digital experience that exceeds client expectations. Through these gained efficiencies, advisors can focus on revenue generating activities and most importantly, their clients.
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Succession planning

Accomplish your goals and continue your legacy through practical succession planning. At Revive, we go beyond the theoretical surface; our plan digs deep and structures relevant and measurable steps so that all generations of leadership can carry it out on a 
day-to-day basis. 

Whether you are selling to a next-generation advisory team, a new management team, or a third party, our holistic roadmap guides you through the process to ensure a seamless transition, along with maximized value and a lasting client legacy.
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Are you ready to make an impact?

Schedule a call to learn how we can help.
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